Global Warming, An Unwanted Change


The news of global warming has been buzzing around for years, summoning feelings of distress and dread among many. But what is global warming? What can be done to discuss it? What are the implications of this phenomenon? As research and understanding about global warming increases, so does the need to take action. In this post, we will explore the causes and effects of global warming and how we can all work together to slow the progression of this unwelcome change.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is a process that occurs naturally, but current changes are mainly due to human activity. Over the past 100 years that includes the industrial revolution , temperatures have increased by 0.74°C. The northern hemisphere is considerably warmer than at any other time in the last millennium. In a span of twelve years (1995-2006), the highest temperatures have been recorded since 1850. It is predicted that without addressing this issue, the earth will continue to warm and the effects will be profound.*

What Are the Causes of Global Warming?

The main reason for global warming (sometimes confused with climate change) is called the “greenhouse effect”. It is a natural phenomenon that is advanced by daily industrial output of gases (GHGs) being released into the atmosphere. These gases have the potential to capture heat, thereby leading to higher global temperatures. Greenhouse gases have the ability to trap the sun’s heat and warm the surface of the earth. In a recent scientific analysis, it was determined that the atmosphere has 32% more carbon dioxide than it did at the start of the industrial revolution. Other contributing factors to global warming are deforestation and intensive agricultural methods.

What Are the Impacts of Global Warming?

The impact of global warming includes an increase in wildfires, longer periods of drought in certain areas of the world, longer more intense heat waves, more intense weather conditions, increase in wind intensity that attributes to the creation of tropical cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes, glacier and ice shrinking, plant and trees blooming sooner and our animal geographic ranges are shifting.

Can We Reduce Global Warming?

Yes, we can reduce global warming starting with the reduction in remission of greenhouse gases (GHC) into the atmosphere. That is the starting point, but of course other methods will have to be used to conquer this problem. The first would be a “Call to Action” plan.There are many simple ways to reduce our environmental impact and slow global warming. Try turning off lights and electronics that are not in use, turning down your thermostat a few degrees in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and planting trees and other plants that absorb excess carbon dioxide. Together, these small acts can make a big impact.


Global warming is an unwelcome change, but it is one that we can discuss. By understanding the causes and effects of global warming, we can take steps to reduce our contributions to global warming and create a more sustainable future. There is still time to act and make a difference; let’s take advantage of it.


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